Link for infographic creation site

Use this site to help you create your InfoGraphics for P4: piktochart

You can use the free versions–no need to subscribe.

My recommendation for your groups is that you decide who will be in charge of developing content, who will focus on design, and who will focus on technical components (actually doing things on the site), though you should all be in discussion about these elements for the strongest collaboration and insight into the process.

Brainstorming for P4

Work through these questions in your group Tuesday:

What is the argument I am presenting?

What pieces of evidence or other information from my essay are the most important and compelling pieces of information for a general audience to understand my topic?

Which pieces of information should be central to the visual?

Which pieces can be supporting or peripheral?

How do I want to organize the visual (Infographic)?

How will I use color and text to highlight key ideas and develop my ethos?

How will I use images in my Infographic to support my argument?

Project 3 Reflection Directions

For your Project 3 reflection, write 200-300 words on the following, using specific examples from your project to support your ideas where needed:

  • What is the specific purpose of your Project 3? How did you use research and/organization to accomplish this purpose?
  • Who is the audience you are writing for in this project? What rhetorical moves did you use to specifically address and persuade this audience?
  • How did you make sure you were writing a researched argument and not an I-Search or information research paper for this project? What rhetorical moves do we see in your writing that show us this is an argument?

This reflection is due with your final draft of P3, 11:59 p.m. Tuesday, December 1.

Post 14: Rhetorical Reflection on P4

Note: While you may begin drafting this post after reading the P4 description on the blog, you might also decide to add to it following class discussion of the assignment tomorrow, when you may have a better sense of some rhetorical elements of the project.

We will conduct P4 collaboratively; you will work with one or two other students in the class on one of your research topics to create an infographic. I will suggest groups where I see similarities in topic. You may also partner up based on your interests.

To prepare for this blog post, assess your knowledge about the following rhetorical elements of your project, and consider what you still need to discover to keep working on your project. Write a 200-300 word post in which you explore both your prior knowledge about the rhetorical situation of your project as well as your remaining questions:

What learning outcomes does this writing task address? What do I hope to learn or gain personally through working on this assignment?

Topic: What am I writing about? What is my personal motivation for selecting this topic? How does this topic fit the scope of the assignment?

Audience: Who will read or hear what I write? Why will they want to know about my topic? What do I need to know about this audience? What information does this audience expect me to share in my writing? How is this kind of information typically communicated to an audience, and why?

Genre: What writing style is expected in this task? What are the moves that are valuable in this genre and will help me achieve my purpose? How do I expect my audience to use, read, or navigate this text?

Context: How long do I have to write this? How should I structure my time to support my writing process? What are the submission expectations for this writing task?

Once I have reviewed and responded to the questions above, what do I see I still need to know?

Post 13: “Talk-Backs”

This post is due to your blog Thursday, 11/19, by 11:59 p.m.

To prepare for this blog post, read Yancey’s “Talk-Backs” excerpt, posted in Blackboard.

Then, compose a  post in which you write about the following:

1. Pulling from the Yancey readings, sum up your understanding of what *she* is saying about the value of reflection, and add in your sense of what reflection is doing for you in terms of your learning and writing process (100-200 words).

2. Review your peers’ comments on your draft. Following an adapted version of Yancey’s “talk-back” form, respond to the following prompts (150-300 words):

  • Based on your review of the comments and questions, what was valued in the text (by the reader)?
  • Do you agree with the areas of focus suggested for a revision?
  • What questions do you have about these comments? OR What responses can you provide to any of the questions posed in the comments?
  • What else are you concerned with or planning to do in revising your paper?

Question: What if I was not in class to get feedback on my paper?

Answer: Find one or two knowledgeable people to read and give you written feedback, and write your blog post based on that feedback!

Post 12 directions

To prepare for Post 12, first review the feedback (comments or questions) on your P2 reflection.

Then, in a 100-200 word post, write about the following:

  • respond to the questions or comments in your reflection
  • explain how reflecting on your process in P2 is helping you think about how to write a successful argument in P3

We will do this task in the beginning of class Tuesday, 11/17.

Draft paragraph on article practicing citation.

In “College: Worth the Cost?” author Jake New describes results of a Gallup-Purdue University study on college graduates’ level of satisfaction with the cost of their education. The study indicates that students who attended for-profit colleges or with significant debt are less likely to feel their education was worth the cost, whereas students who experiences support from professors and mentors and had experiential learning opportunities were more likely to feel their education was worth the price tag (New). These findings, reports New, reflect last year’s survey on well-being and workplace engagement, which showed that students who found ways to deeply engage in college coursework were more likely to do so in the workplace. If we apply these poll results to thinking about the development of habits of mind as integral to college student success, we see engagement coming to the forefront. Engagement includes students’  “sense of involvement in learning” and comes through making connections between their ideas and others’, building meanings through these connections, and taking action based on this knowledge (CWPA). When New quotes Busteed saying that deep experiential learning “needs to be work where you’re really applying what you’re learning,” we can see that when professors and programs create these opportunities for students, engagement can be fostered…

Work time in lieu of class today 11/10

Hi team,

I became severely ill overnight and cannot hold class today.

In place of meeting as a class, please use that time to work through the following activities:

1. Review the directions for annotated bibliographies on the blog and continue to draft, revise, and edit your two annotated bibs for Post 11 (due tonight).

2. Review the video posted below, which I made for my online class this week. Along with it, review the sample paper attached here: mission-chipotle-annotated.docx

3. Continue working on outlining/drafting your Project 3.

Email me with any questions. I will see you Thursday, and remember to mark your calendars for Friday’s guest speaker.

Dr. Jankens